What is a shortcode?
A short code is a placeholder for more advanced functionality. Shortcodes provide a simple way for content creators to call functions on a piece of code without prior development knowledge. A content creator can insert a shortcode in their page/post visual editor and WordPress will replace the shortcode with the intended output when the page is rendered.
Shortcodes can be a single statement and can also have additional attributes. One popular way to embed a youtube video in your page is with the shortcode. An example of how this would look is [insert shortcode here]. The shortcode takes the URL of the Youtube video and creates a player for the video.
More details on shortcodes
This uses shortcodes
Hi, and welcome to [geoip-city]! The place to be in [geoip-region], [geoip-country].
This uses shortcodes with a not argument (wont show in GB)
[geoip-content not_country=”GB”] Content just for visitors outside of GB [/geoip-content]
This code will not show up outside of the US and UK
[geoip-content country=”US, GB”] Content just for US and UK visitors [/geoip-content]
The text below is generated by PHP functions