Public Speaking and the Themer’s guide to WP-CLI

WPLDN logo

Last night I had the pleasure of speaking about how WP-CLI can help Themers by automating and streamlining workflow at my local WordPress user group #wpldn here in London. For me, #wpldn is like home to me because it’s the first place where I ever stood up in front of a crowd and presented. It takes a lot of courage and determination to step up and speak in front of a group, even if you’ve done it before. Many people have no problem speaking at work, in meetings, or with friends, but for some reason addressing an audience can be … Continued

Time flies! What have I been up to lately?

So much has happened in the past year and I have been focusing a little bit more on getting things done than spreading the word about what I’m up to. My goal for 2017 is to post more often and keep you all informed on what’s going on. I’ve got an exciting announcement to make in the next week or so and will be happy to share that as soon as I can. So, as I’ve promised to do more social media, more blog posts and more writing, keep an eye out and check back on the site for updates. … Continued

WordPress and Reverse Proxy

Edmund Speaking at WCNO 2016

I had a great time presenting at #WCNO last weekend about how WordPress and Reverse Proxy can be an integration point with enterprise websites. I was extremely excited for the invitation to speak about this topic as it is something that I see as a growing trend with companies who want to use WordPress as a strategic part of their online presence. Some of the reasons that enterprise companies are looking to use WordPress are: It works already! Why build something yourself when you can use something that already exists? WordPress is a mature, stable and actively maintained WordPress core is … Continued

Photos: WooCommerce Scalability Talk

I really enjoyed attending the WooCommerce Meetup in London on 20/7 where I spoke on scalability. Here are a few photos taken by @rarst, who has an amazing eye for getting good pictures. Many thanks to Marina Pape of WooThemes for hosting the event and sharing knowledge of social marketing in her Building your Brand & Community talk.