DE{CODE} 2021 – How to Best Leverage CI/CD for Your Team

I had the pleasure of speaking with Sarah Ricker, Peter Suhm and Carl Alexander about their experience using CI/CD to deploy code reliably as an automated process at WP Engine’s DE{CODE} Virtual Event for Developers. If you didn’t get a chance to watch the session live you can still watch the recording.

Using Aliases to Sync Databases Across Development Environments

One of the common tasks that web developers run on a regular basis is syncing development sites with a live site to ensure that the data is the same. Using WordPress aliases it is possible to reference a site from the command line that is on a remote server without changing directories. I combined aliases with a few quick WP-CLI commands to create a simple and repeatable way to pull a production database to a local or staging site. These commands can be run one by one, but the simplest method I’ve found is to create a shell script, make … Continued

SSH Gateway on WP Engine

This is been one of the most asked about features for WP Engine to add and I’ve been super happy to watch this progress from beta to general availability. More details are available on the WP Engine blog if you want to know more details and specifics.

#WPLDN Wrap Up and Offer

Many of you stopped in to #WPLDN this past week where I spoke on CI and Deployment. I had an awesome time talking about my deployment and CI strategy with WordPress and I have posted my example script that I showed during the demo. WP Engine has a discount offer available to all attendees of #WPLDN that gives you 50% of your first month of shared hosting on. If you are interested in taking the platform for a spin, please apply the code WPLDN18 during the checkout process. Please take a look at my slides if you want a recap … Continued

Production Ready WordPress – #WPLDN

I had an awesome time last night speaking about Continuous Integration with Codeship , Github and dependency management to a packed house in London. I’m grateful for the invitation from the #WPLDN team to help kick off the year’s first meetup, which I learned was also a milestone, being the 70th time the meetup has happened over the past 5 year. It was a great event and a number of people asked for the deck to review, which I’ve uploaded to Slideshare. Hopefully this was an inspiring talk that opened up some new options for getting code from development to … Continued